CANBERRA – B.2 – WH869

B.2 – WH869
WH869 - side
(Photo : Kev Darling/Big Bird Aviation)


Built as a B.2 in 1953, WH869 spent the best part of its working life in service with bomber squadrons in the RAF.

It was delivered first to the RAF Flying College but soon transferred to 527 Sqd at RAF Watton. It stayed with 527 until they closed down in 1958 when it was transferred to 245 Sqd which was formed on the same station taking a number of 527’s aircraft and crews (ground and air). When 245 Sqd closed down in 1963 WH869 transferred to 98 Sqd at RAF Tangmere where it stayed until 1970 when it was again transferred to 7 Sqd’s B.2 Flight, newly formed at RAF St Mawgan.

In 1977, it was transferred to RAF Abingdon under Instruction Airframe no 8515M. At Abingdon it served as a Rescue Training airframe where the particular crew arrangements and positions of the Canberra were fully utilised.

The photo shows it painted all-white at Abingdon around the early 90s where it was awaiting the final axe. WH869 probably hasn’t survived and is in this list mainly becauseof this fine photo from Kev.

[ Note the “Mighty Hunter” (Nimrod) in the background as well. ]

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